Reef Flax Seeds Bread 250g

Reef Flax Seeds Bread 250g

Reef Flax Seeds Bread 250g

لا تقييمات حتى الآن. أكتب تقييم
السعر العادي 1.500 JD

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في المستودع نفذت


Flaxseeds Are High in Omega-3 Fats. It can helps in lowering high blood pressure. Including flaxseeds in your daily diet can helps in preventing hardening of the arteries.. Flaxseeds Keep Hunger at Bay, Which May Aid Weight Control. Flaxseeds May Help Control Blood Sugar. Lignans present in flaxseed boost the immune system in the body and prevent against inflammatory diseases.

Taste great, Light on the stomach, Helps to lose weight, Suitable for everyone, Natural and Fresh smell.

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